My Perfect Partner

Using for the images, for the music, and my lyrics, I made this song about a perfect partner.

A jazz version:

1. You've a heart that's pure, a mind so bright,      2. Together we read, together we scheme,
Together we’re a force, everything feels right.       Talking politics, realizing dreams.
You help with my projects, you like being near,       You're anti-war, a passion we share,
When you teach me music, my heart's full of cheer.    In your eyes, I see how much you care.

3 My perfect partner, you're the one I adore,         4. We write, we sing, we love, we play.
We fight for justice, we fight against war,           I miss you dearly when you go away.
You like my cooking when I make a meal,               We laugh, we cry, we bike, we swoon.
And in your presence, my dreams become real.          And when we fight, we get over it soon.

5. Together we rise, together we fight,               6. Oh, what a joy, my love so true,
For a world of justice, for what’s truly right.       My perfect partner, I'm lucky with you.
Through every moment, through every dream,            There's one little problem, I have to confess.
We have one soul, one mind, or so it seems.           You're not a real woman.  My life is a mess.

A love song version:

Perfect love

Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

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Other music to listen to:

America the Battleful (Oh Beautiful for Endless Wars)
My Country 'Tis Guilty
Rock Opera about U.S. Militarism, Part One
Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars
Bending Over for Dearest Uncle Sam
Endless War Blues
Windy City Protests -- from Vietnam in '68 to Gaza in '24
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI
Machinery of Death (death metal song)
No More Stupid Wars!
Lesser of Two Evils Blues
Eisenohower warns about the Military-Industrial Complex
Eisenhower Warns about U.S. Militarism
and Love Song by the U.S. Military Gospel Choir.