No More Stupid Wars, No More Living Hells

Using for the music, I created this folk rock anthem about a world beyond war.

Imagine a world where the guns are all gone,
No more battles to fight, no more wars to be won.
Nuclear silos are just empty shells,
No more doomsday clocks, no more living hells.

The Pentagon’s budget, now slim as a thread,
Funds research, education and health instead.
Overseas bases, they’ve all been closed,
Peace is the anthem that the world now knows.

Governments no longer stir up the fight,
They focus on justice, on what’s truly right.
Diplomacy rules, with respect at its core,
No more counting the dead, no more stupid wars.

The world stands together, strong and free,
In a place where peace is our legacy.
The scars of the past now healed and gone,
We’re singing a new, hopeful song.

No more stupid wars. No more living hells....

See also Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars,
Endless War Blues,
Windy City Protests -- from Vietnam in '68 to Gaza in '24,
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Machinery of Death (death metal song),
Lesser of Two Evils Blues,
and Love Song by the U.S. Military Gospel Choir.

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