Lesser-of-Two-Evils Blues

by Donald A. Smith, PhD

Using Udio.com for the music, I created this blues song about lesser-of-two-evilism in U.S. elections. I do think Trump is a lot worse, but both parties promote war and generally serve the 1%.

I got the Lesser-of-Two-Evils Blues,
Whomever we choose, it's people who lose.
They promise to serve us, to stop endless wars.
But it's 1% that wins, they toss peace out the door.

They talk of peace, they talk of change,
But behind closed doors, it’s all prearranged.
They arm the monsters, provoke the flames,
Playing with lives like it’s all just a game.

They talk about change, about righting the wrong,
But it's the 1% who they serve all along.
They arm the world’s villains, while we pay the price,
Spinning the wheel of this cold-hearted dice.

They march us to war, with a flag in hand,
While the one percent tighten their grip on the land.
They say it's for freedom, they say it's for peace,
But the wars never end, the lies never cease.

So every four years, it’s the same old dance,
We dream of change, but there’s no real chance.
Here we stand, with everything to lose,
Singing the lesser-of-two-evils blues.

Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

See Something Ds and Rs can Agree On.

See also Love Song by the U.S. Military Gospel Choir,
Windy City Protests -- from Vietnam to Gaza (a protest song,
We Love (War),
They Kill, They Lie,
Machinery of Death,
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Antiwar Rock Opera,
The Endless Wars Blues,
and Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars.

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