A Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars

Using Udio.com for the music, I created this classical choral work to honor the victims of U.S. wars, especially regime change operations (overseas coups).

Accompanies: Designs for Memorial for Victims of US Militarism

In the shadows, power lies,
Whispers cold as winter’s breath,
Plotting in the darkened skies,
Spinning webs of silent death.

We plant foul seeds in foreign soil,
While stealthy masks conceal the toil,
We light the sparks, the kindling flame,
For imperial power, we stake our claim.

Guns in hands that never knew,
The weight of blood, the cost of coups,
We arm the lost, the broken few,
To fight our war and kill their youth.

The coup's cold hand strikes in the night,
A swift, dark blade with no respite,
We topple thrones, we crush the weak,
In silence, we the havoc wreak.

Puppets dance to our unseen strings,
In gilded halls where power sings,
Their steps are ours, their voice a lie,
In our dark game, they live, they die.

The innocent cry out in vain,
For mercy’s light, for end of pain,
But in our wake, they find but fear,
Their voices lost, we do not hear.

A requiem for those who fell,
In distant lands where shadows dwell,
Their names erased, their stories untold,
By those who trade in blood and gold.

See also No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Lesser of Two Evil Blues,
Machinery of Death (death metal song),
Endless War Blues,
Windy City Protests, for Vietnam in '68 and Gaza in '24
and Love Song by the U.S. Military Gospel Choir.

Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

Requiem for victims of U.S. wars
Requiem for victims of U.S. wars
Requiem for victims of U.S. wars
Requiem for victims of U.S. wars

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