Thomas Merton's Prayer for Peace (a choral work)

By Donald A. Smith, PhD. Using Thomas Merton's words from Thomas Merton on US Militarism as the lyrics, and using Udio for the music, I created this choral work as a prayer for peace. It's significant that Merton's words are as relevant today as they were in the 1960s when Merton wrote them. Click right below to listen.

When I pray for peace, I pray God to pacify not only the Russians and the Chinese, but above all my nation and myself.

When I pray for peace, I pray to be protected not only from the Russians but also from the folly and blindness of my own country.

I am praying that both we and the Russians may somehow be restored to sanity and learn how to work out our problems, as best we can, together, instead of preparing for global suicide.

Every form of healthy human contact with Russia, and above all China, is to be encouraged. We have got to see each other as people and not as demons.

What is the use of the exhortations to “pray for peace”, and then spending billions of dollars on atomic submarines, thermonuclear weapons, and ballistic missiles?

The present war crisis is something we have made entirely for and by ourselves. There is in reality, not the slightest logical reason for war, and yet why the whole world is plunging headlong into frightful destruction!

The danger to the whole world is the fact that today the economic life of the more highly developed nations is centered largely on the production of weapons, missiles and other engines of destruction.

We have to consider the hate propaganda. We have to recognize the implications of politicians who promote policies of hate.

The motives for promoting nuclear armament mask a horrible, indeed diabolical, danger to mankind.

These people, however sincere may be their motives, tend to be prejudiced in favor of everything that endangers the peace of the world.

The great problem we face is NOT RUSSIA, but war itself. War is the main enemy and we are not going to make sense unless we see that.

We have created for ourselves a suitable enemy, a scapegoat in whom we have invested all the evil in the world. He is the cause of every wrong. He is the fomenter of all conflict. If he can only be destroyed, conflict will cease, evil will be done with.

We tend by our very passivity and fatalism to cooperate with the destructive forces that are leading inexorably to war.

We prevent ourselves from seeing any good or any practicability in the political ideals of our enemies.

The duty of a Christian in this crisis is to strive with all his power and intelligence…. to do the one task which God has imposed upon us in the world today. That task is to work for the total abolition of war.

Version # 2, largely spoken (from Suno), Lyrics differ slightly from what's shown above. The version above is better.

Thomas Merton on peace

Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

For example, Jack Matlock (former U.S. Ambassador to the USSR under Ronald Reagan) said in a 2024 interview: "Why don’t we understand that trying to remove Ukraine from Russian influence and put military bases there would be, in their case, absolutely unacceptable and worthy of defense?" Matlock said the U.S. backed the 2014 coup, and "Obviously, to any Russian leader, not just Vladimir Putin, that would have been an absolutely impossible, hostile act, which they had to react to. And in particular, they were not going to lose their naval base in Crimea." Finally, Matlock said the Ukrainians are "dominated in their thinking by neo-Nazis — we tend to ignore that, or when Putin points it out, we say he’s lying. He’s not lying."

See other music: America the Battleful (Oh Beautiful for Endless Wars!),
Rock Opera about U.S. Militarism, Part One Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars,
Bending Over for Dearest Uncle Sam
Endless War Blues,
Windy City Protests -- from Vietnam in '68 to Gaza in '24,
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Machinery of Death (death metal song),
No More Stupid Wars!,
Lesser of Two Evils Blues,
Eisenohower warns about the Military-Industrial Complex,
Eisenhower Warns about U.S. Militarism.
and Love Song by the U.S. Military Gospel Choir.

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