We Love (War)

Using Udio.com for the music, I created this rap rock song about war. The lyrics are mine.

We Love (War)

Note: there are a few glitches in the animation of the lyrics.

We love war.
We love to kill.
We love lying.
We love provoking wars.
We love bullying.
We love brutal sanctions.
We love overthrowing governments.

We love nukes.
We love vetoing negotiations.
We love leaving arms control agreements.
We love expensive, boondoggle weapons systems.
We love $100 toilet seats.
We love regime change operations.

We love trillion dollar defense budgets.
We love failing Pentagon audits.
We love demonizing other countries.
We love propaganda.
We love cutting social spending.

We love campaign contributions.
We love secrecy.
We love prosecuting whistleblowers.
We love overseas military bases.
We love arms races.

We love infiltrating peace groups.
We love secret CIA operations.
We love armed drones.
We love selling weapons.

We love arming genocide.
We love supporting autocrats with oil.
We love illegal invasions.
We love allying with extremist militias.
We love allying with far-right groups.

We love war.
We love war.
We love war.
We love war.
We love war.

Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

See also They Kill, They Lie,
Machinery of Death,
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Antiwar Rock Opera,
The Endless Wars Blues,
and Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars.

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