They Kill, They Lie (rap rock)

Using for the music, I created this rap rock song about war. The lyrics are mine.

They kill, They Lie

Note: there are a few glitches in the lyrics and in the animation.

Sanctions here, a coup or two,
Bombs away, it’s what they do!
Arm some militias,  fund opposition groups,
Withdraw from arms treaties, send in some troops.

They kill. They kill. They like to kill. Oh yeah, they kill.

Yo, they say they’re spreading democracy,
But they invade and overthrow with hypocrisy.
Overseas bases in our enemies' backyards,
Provoking war isn't that hard.

Several million killed in the Vietnam War.
Over 4 million victims killed since 9/11.

They kill. They kill. They like to kill. Oh yeah, they kill.

Trillion dollar budgets, Failing audits,
Obsessive secrecy.  Prosecute whistleblowers,
Boondoggle Weapons systems.
CIA involvement.  Enable genocide.
Prepare for war with China.

They kill. They kill. They like to kill. Oh yeah, they kill.

We’re meddling, meddling, in countries far and near,
Spreading democracy, at the point of  a spear.
But when others push back, well, we get all self-righteous.
How dare they do what we've done all over the world?

They kill. They kill. They like to kill. Oh yeah, they kill.

Propaganda flows like piss,
We’re the good guys, ain't nothing amiss.
But look a little closer, see the lies,
It’s just imperialism in disguise.

They lie. They lie. They like to lie. Oh yeah, they lie.

They lied about Iran in 1953.
Lied about Chile.
Lied about Vietnam.
Lied about Serbia.
Lied about Iraq.
Lied about Afghanistan.
Lied about Libya.
Lied about Nicaragua.

They're lying about Venezuela.
They're lying about Ukraine.
Lying about Ukraine.
Lying about Ukraine.
Lying about Ukraine.
Lying about Ukraine.

They lie. They lie. They like to lie. Oh yeah, they lie.


Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say:
The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

See also Machinery of Death,
No More Blood For Their Endless War: an antiwar folk song made with AI,
Antiwar Rock Opera,
The Endless Wars Blues,
and Requiem for Victims of U.S. Wars.

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