Four Increasingly Cynical Views about the War in Ukraine

by Donald A. Smith, PhD

A shortened version of this essay was published in Common Dreams as Who is to Blame for the War in Ukraine?.

Here are four views about the war in Ukraine, listed in order of increasing cynicism about U.S. culpability for the crisis:

  1. The Russian invasion of Ukraine was totally unprovoked and the U.S. response was a noble defense of democracy and of the rules-based international order. Ukraine had a right to ally with the West and had a legitimate fear of Russian aggression (as do Poland and Czechoslovakia, for example).
  2. NATO expansion into Ukraine and other countries near Russia was reckless, because Russia had made it clear to diplomats that it considered Ukraine off-limits to NATO. America bears some responsibility for provoking the crisis, because it should have been obvious to policy makers that their trying to expand NATO into Ukraine would lead to a war. But the Ukrainians had the desire and the right to align with the West and so U.S. intentions were noble.
  3. The U.S. and NATO failed to respect the divisions in Ukraine between pro-Western and pro-Russian provinces and groups, and the U.S. failed to respect Russia's legitimate security concerns -- e.g., not to have a hostile country along its borders that was attacking Russian speakers in the east. But the U.S. did not want a war.
  4. The U.S. exploited divisions in Ukraine, launched a regime change operation, and armed anti-Russian militias in order to intentionally provoke a war. The aim was to weaken Russia, increase European dependence on the U.S. (both militarily and economically), and enrich U.S. arms and energy industries. The U.S. couldn't care less about Ukrainian (or Russian) lives lost.

I devised these four views during discussions with my member of Congress, Rep. Adam Smith (WA-D, no relation), who is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee and former Chair. He, of course, believes view #1 and thinks that NATO expansion was needed to deter Russian aggression. But he told me that view #2 is plausible though wrong.

If you believe the official narrative coming out of D.C. and out of most of mainstream media, you too will think that view #1 is correct and that the U.S. is as innocent in the crisis as a newborn baby.

Given the history of U.S. lies and aggression with respect to foreign policy and with respect to overseas interventions, one would have to be naive indeed to believe view #1.

I believe the evidence points to view #4 being correct: the U.S. intentionally provoked a war. But it is possible that view #3 is closer to the truth and that ideological fervor led the architects of U.S. policy in Ukraine to be blinded to the obvious likely results of their policies; however, that seem unlikely, because both diplomats and the RAND Corporation had told policy makers that trying to expand NATO into Ukraine would lead to war.

My reasons for holding view #4 are documented in Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and Secretaries of Defense say: The U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine. In short:

In the view of Rep. Smith, NATO expansion was necessary to prevent Russia from taking over not only Ukraine but also the Baltic states. (Likewise, he thinks that U.S. military actions near China are needed to deter Chinese aggression in Taiwan.) My view is that NATO expansion provoked the very war that is now being touted as justification for said expansion.

Indeed, Rep. Smith once told me this story: when he first arrived as a new member of the HASC, a senior member warned him that the military establishment ("The Blob") is a "self-licking ice cream cone" that incestuously creates its own reality. (Another metaphor: it's a voracious beast that sucks up resources and lives into its maw.)

Despite the CIA's valiant efforts, many of the facts about what happened in Ukraine are available to the public. It's quite amazing that -- so soon after the ignoble end to the disastrous twenty-year war in Afghanistan -- the media, Congress, and most of the public have been so easily bamboozled by government propaganda into supporting yet another disastrous, avoidable war. The war has killed hundreds of thousands of people; displaced millions of people from their homes; devastated Ukrainian infrastructure; greatly increased military budgets in Europe, the U.S. and Russia (money sorely needed for climate mitigation and other urgent exigencies); increased inflation and shortages worldwide; and increased the risk of World War III and nuclear annihilation. Moreover, it's a war which Russia is now winning -- a fact that increases the risk of escalation.

A negotiated end to the war in Ukraine is urgently needed. As Chas W. Freeman says, had the U.S. allowed Ukraine to agree to a negotiated solution back in 2021, before the Russian invasion, or in the spring of 2022, soon after the invasion, Ukraine and the West would now be much better off. Waiting any longer will just prolong the suffering and strengthen Russia's position. Still, Russia would probably agree to a negotiated solution.

Senior U.S. diplomats, academics, journalists and Secretaries of Defense say the U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine