by Donald A. Smith, PhD
Many women have trouble climaxing. That may be due to anatomical or health limitations, to psychological hangups, or to lack of skill on the part of themselves or their partners.
Most men climax easily -- often, too easily. Most women are not so lucky.
Many women report that they can climax relatively quickly -- within a minute or two -- when they masturbate alone, but when they're with a guy it takes longer. This may be true even though they enjoy being with the guy and even though the guy is a skilled lover.
Sometimes clitorises cooperate and they deliver wonderful orgasms; sometimes they don't. Sometimes having great sex happens naturally; sometimes it doesn't.
Often it's the guy's fault, for being too impatient and selfish. But many women (see comments below) say that both they and their partners try very hard but the women still can't climax.
In short, clitorises are bitches.* Not all clitorises and not all the time, but many of them and too often. They're fickle. They're demanding. They're frustrating, both for their owners and for their owners' partners.
*The statement “Clitorises are bitches” was made by a woman in the comments at
According to Dr. Laurie Mintz, author of Becoming Cliterate, the average woman requires about 20 minutes of clitoral stimulation to climax, with a range from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Mintz says that only 1 to 4 percent of women consistently climax from vaginal penetration alone. Another source says that about 25% of women can climax from penis-in-vagina intercourse alone. Most women need manual or other stimulation. But even with such stimulation, many women have trouble climaxing, especially older women.
About 5% to 10% of women never experience orgasm at all.
The fact that clitorises cause so much trouble may be proof that God is not a female. God seems to favor men's satisfaction.
But it's an interesting historical and anthropological question whether women orgasmed more easily in pre-industrial societies. One reason to think that they might have is: they were less hung up. A reason to doubt that they climaxed more easily is: in many societies, women were treated as chattel.
Part of the battle of the sexes involves the fact that most men climax easily, while most women don't. This can be a source of frustration and resentment.
The woman may be frustrated and angry if her partner climaxes too soon, without satisfying her, or if the man seems bored and bothered by having to massage, carress and stimulate her when all he really wants to do is stick it in and get his release.
The man may be frustrated and angry if he has to delay his orgasm and has to spend a long time stimluating his partner. Or he may feel shame if he climaxes too soon or can't maintain his erection.
Some women fake orgasms to avoid the conflict and frustrations that result from difficulty climaxing. In fact, according to CBS News, Ouch: 80 Percent of Women Faking Orgasms, Says Study. "They found a whopping 80 percent faked orgasms during vaginal intercourse at least half of the time. A smaller group was even more prolific with their oohs and aahs. The study found 25 percent of the women faked it 90 percent of the time, according to MSNBC."

Straight women generally want men to desire them, and often a woman welcomes giving pleasure to her lover. But in a healthy relationship women expect some reciprocation and don't want to feel used.
A woman generally wants a man to work to get his reward. Women don't want to be just semen receptacles and objects for the pleasure of the man.
One thing that might work is to take turns using one another. Being used can be a turn on, if it's eventually reciprocated. Normally that implies that the woman climaxes first, since if he climaxes first he'll likely be unable to please her as much.
One ideal is to use one another at the same time and achieve (near) simultaenous orgasm. A higher idea is to have real affection and love for your partner. At the beginning of a relationship, that's not possible.
When I talk to women about this topic, they tend to blame the man and to denounce men who don't sufficiently love them and don't sufficiently appreciate the female body. It almost feels like women want men to worship their bodies. A man is called a good lover if he makes a big fuss over the woman, by kissing, caressing, massaging and saying sweet nothings. Unless the man does all that, the woman won't climax. A man unwilling to do all that is called selfish and a jerk.
Some men can't be bothered to learn the skills and to do the work required to satsify a woman. Maybe they find that work boring. Maybe such men would call more compliant men submissive wimps. Women might respond: if you took your time, you'd enjoy much better sex yourself. Women often tell men that if they cooperate, like good boys, by taking the time to satisfy them, they will be rewarded with great sex. Men may figure: why bother? The men will climax anyway. Men often prefer young women, who may not be experiened and confident enough to know what they're missing and what they deserve.
Maybe some men just aren't into women enough.
Or maybe some women expect too much, should stop blaming the man, and should take things into their own hands.
This is part of the battle of the sexes!

Below are some comments by women complaining about their sexual response. Quotations in this article are from, which has hundreds of frank comments about sexuality from women and men all over the world. Some comments are funny. Many comments are sad.
I have secondary anorgasmia. Not one O in 3 yrs. I practice/masturbate daily. It's enjoyable but never quite fulfilling. It's like eating and never being full, drinking alcohol but never getting more than a buzz,coffee without the caffeine. It's just so saddening. I spent most of most life as a spinster, but now I'm finally ready to have sex because I'm horny, and the orgasm is MIA. A guy may put up with it, but eventually he will forget to bother to make you feel good because it seems like more work than it's worth. It's almost becoming an obsession for me. (30 - 39 year old female)
Having tried to reach orgasm since I was 14, and then with partners from the age of 18, orgasm is something i've never managed to do. (now early 20's) I try to tell myself to accept it, because as a statistic 10% of women can't do it, and that when i next have a boyfriend, to just pleasure him. But i know for a fact that would cause me to resent him - through my own doing. I can get very VERY close - right on the edge.. and then.. it fades away, nothing. I've tried my hands, vibrators, shower head thing, still nothing. Fed up now. Clitorises are bitches! (20-29 year old female)
It's weird because i use to not have a problem reaching an orgasm with a partner but after i had my child it got hard for me to have a orgasm with my partner. Sometimes it might take a long time but i would reach one. Other times i just cant reach one and it really bother me because i really need to reach an orgasm. (20-29 year old female)
i wnt 2 know the feeling of orgasm. My husband tried 2 make me reach orgasm many times but failed. He tried having longer rounds and its been 14yrs now and still I dnt no how it feels to reach orgasm. (30 - 39 year old female)
I come with very few men, and it happens by luck not knowing, and the most difficult thing is that i don't see them again. cos am a gud sex buyer. my husband don't satisfy me. the boy friend i have atlist [at least] does, with kissing caressing but still yet never makes me reach my organ [orgasm] i hate that. i have this feeling, i love women, my girl friend initiated me to this ever since then a woman makes me reach my organ more than a man thoes. but i hate such ungodliness thats why have not participated in lesbianism again. sometimes am scared is an illness. (20 - 29 year old female)
im 39 and have never had an orgasm.
Just became sexually active and it been tough trying to reach an orgasim. Sometimes I think something is wrong with me. And almost everytime after sex my guy looks at me and says "still no orgasim?". :) (20-29 year old female)
I enjoy sex without coming as I take too long to come. But if I get orgasm it's bonus. My partner put his 100% efforts to get me at climax but am 29 years old now and have family and work pressure and sometimes am very tired to reach at climax. So I just enjoy whatever I get. But I love foreplay. That's more important to me.
It's pretty difficult for me to orgasm but find I do reach a sort of "satisfaction" point after a few minutes. It's not the same, but I almost always enjoy the sex regardless. As long as it's fun and we're feeling a connection, it can still be good-awesome. I've hardly ever orgasmed on my own actually. (20 - 29 year old female)
I have never reached orgasm. I find sex pleasurable and usually very satisfying, but I never orgasm. I've never told a partner that though... I'm pretty vocal during sex (for someone who doesn't orgasm) so they assume I'm climaxing. (under 20 female)
He tries so hard I'm worked into a frenzy...then nothing. All that energy has too go somewhere so it's like a reverse atom bomb. It makes me nauseous and my lower abdomen aches painfully for hours. Sometimes I get so mad I think of cheating. I need my release too and now I'm anxious and can't sleep and of coourse mad at him even tho he tries till he has only 4 hrs to sleep. Love him don't want his ego hurt. NEED MY ORGASM! (30 - 39 year old female)
Sex without orgasm is every bit as unsatisfying for women as it is for men. Unfortunately, whether it's ego or excitement, in my experience, my husband is unable to follow my advice on how to please me. I've tried gentle, positive guidance and frank discussion, books, you name it. He does whatever feels good to him. As a result, masturbation is faster, easier, and far more fulfilling for me than sex with my husband. (30-39 year old female)
She rubs her clitoris because she claims only she knows the pressure and how she likes it. Furthermore I've known plenty of women without sexual issues who climax on their own without any clitoral stimulation but these women are European. In my experience it's the American women who have trouble reaching orgasm. (30-39 year old male)
My husband was great til our first child . After that no foreplay, hardly ever had sex & he willingly went down on me once every 12 - 18 months. This went on for 20 years until out of the blue he became sexually playful again. Now I have a hard time trying to enjoy it when for 20 years the thought of sex would make me depressed and angry. Plus I hate when guys treat your orgasm like a chore. So much better when they are into making you cum rather then doing it because they feel it's about time you deserve it. Like deeming it's worth. Just makes you seem more like property rather than a partner.
Not having an orgasm makes me feel very frustrated and unsatisfied. It drives me crazy and makes me very angry. (20 - 29 year old female)
I am a sex addict. I lost my virginity to a guy who was always hot in bed. Always knew what to do and we would last hours having sex. He was that good he could cum up to ten times in one night! It made me feel like a woman and i was obsessed with him. I believe mostly because of the amazing sex. I would have multiple orgasms in seconds. I loved every thing about our sexual life. I am now married to someone else amd sadly it is the most lame awkward weird feeling sex ever. I often close my eyes and pretend its someone else . I am always frustrated with my marriage and sexual life. I have gotten to even hate the thought of sex. It weirds me out really bad. I think i love him but i dont wnjoy sex with him:(. In 31 years i never knew how to do natural masturbation since I could never understand my clitoris. But today i finally understood my body! I hope this helps my current frustrating situation. (30-39 year old female)
please how you cane let me to have orgasm with my partner (40 - 49 year old female)
I find it pretty easy to reach orgasm by myself, especially activating my core muscles, but my clit seems to lose all sensitivity during intercourse. Still love sex though. (20 - 29 year old female)
I get aroused and very close to orgasm but never get fullfilled..... playing with my self on my own is how I come but when I play with my self with him or around him I still don't Come... maybe once in a while.... I want to come when my partner does and I have never experienced that... it's very frustrating so I always fake it.... it's very very frustrating. ... (20-29 year old female)
I've never had an orgasm, and I feel close every time my boyfriend and I have sex. It's amazing, he's amazing, but nothing ever happens. It makes me feel useless. (20 - 29 year old female)
I feel broken because I don't orgasm during sex. I am at the point that I can't even get myself off if my partner is around. (40 - 49 year old female)
Never orgasmed, my clit doesnt feel good at all, and sex is frustrating to me. I hate it. (under 20 female)
I take too long to come and I get dry too quickly. (20-29 year old female)
I never had an orgasm during intercourse and the orgasm that I had while masturbating wasn't so mind-blowing, so I don't know if it was real or not. I concentrate on his pleasure when I have sex and I don't let him go down on me, because I'm inhibited. I'm starting to feel sad because of all this. (20-29 year old female)
I have never reached orgasm when i sleep with my partner. However when i masterbate i have a weak orgasm still. Im not sure why because i love having sex yet i never come. (20 - 29 year old female)
I don't know if i have reach an orgasm, i don't know how to tell if i have or not. (50 - 59 year old female)
after having sex with my husband for 20 years, i finally learned in my 40s, after a hysterectomy, how to have an orgasm. I never knew i wasn't orgasiming - i enjoyed the sex & didn't realize i wasn't climaxing. i feel it might have been a control thing - me not being able to let go. sex toys help me reach my orgasms. (40 - 49 year old female)
In actual fact i love and enjoy sex alot, but i'm not sure whether i do reach an orgasm. I dont know it's orgasm time but i do enjoy and i know when i've not enjoyed sex. So does that define orgasm? (20 - 29 year old female)
Help me! am so ashamed of not having orgasm. (under 20 female)
I have never had an orgasm, either with a partner or on my own. I am currently single and I masturbate a lot. It builds and builds and then ... nothing. It just stops feeling good. I don't enjoy sex very much. No matter how skilled and/or patient the partner is, it just does not feel as good as doing it myself and it feels good for a shorter period of time. Because of this, I prefer little to no foreplay and them to come quickly because otherwise it is just boring, unpleasant, uncomfortable, tiring and even painful. I'm 38 so I don't think this is going to change. (30-39 year old female)
i havent ever have an orgasm and i think somethings wrong with me! i think ive got close before but its never actually happened! it makes it hard because it upsets my boyfirend that he cant make me cum. (under 20 female)
Clitorises make life difficult for their owners' partners and are a source of conflict and resentment between the sexes.
This is freaking me out! She claims to have had this problem forever, but it still throws me for a loop... I'm not a fast finisher and can last, usually trying to get her there first. Sometimes I hold back so long I find I have trouble reaching one myself. Sometimes I try and try and she can't and that frustrates me and I lose all interest, probably out of insecurities and frustration. I have a large penis and don't think that's it, so I'm like wtf? With direct stimulation and keeping a well lubed rhythm with my two fingers while driving down the freeway from one state to another it took us well into the thirty min mark to get her to have an orgasm. Idk?
Pls help me cos im unable to reach my orgasm and my husband has left me for the past one month because of this. (20 -29 year old female)
I've known 3 women that didn't orgasm during sex. One women suffered, and felt immense frustration. She'd get close but never orgasm. Another women seemed fine just having sex without orgasm. A third girl really wants to orgasm, but has no clue how to. And feels deficient for not being able to experience orgasm.
I wish my girlfriend could too i always make the effort i listen to what she wants. but i can tell she's faking and it hurts me. im starting to get ed cause of it . it also the fact that as soon as she thinks im asleep she masterbates for hours it really hurts me cause i really want to please her in every way it not as if i have a small cock its 8 inches i know size dont really matter. but i dont know what to do cause it hurting me badly im getting very depressed
I try really hard i have sex for hours i listen to every thing she says and also see how she responds to all types of stimulation. but still only sometimes i can make her cum. but whats disheartning is after she she waits till she thinks im asleep and starts to masterbate it is quite upsetting cause i try so hard. and alot of the time she says she tired and that can go on for days but she still masterbates and wakes me up in the middle if i touch her she pretends to be asleep. its getting to the point where i feel of no use and its only when she wants to have sex we have sex. if i refuse her she treats me like im a horrible person its just it build a murderous rage up inside me i find my self banging my head off the wall in angry rage of emotion. it seriously hurts me inside.
Sometimes my gf takes forever to come. She wants me to thrust hard, and I can do it for a while, but after an hour of foreplay, massages, fingering, and thrusting, we sometimes give up if she doesn't come. (40-49 year old male)
When I have to make my gf cum, sex is less fun and I admit I resent it. I do it to please her but often don't enjoy it so much. I wonder how male sexual pleasure correlates with female pleasure. Maybe they have negative correlation, meaning that when the woman enjoys it the man doesn't. :) For women who cum fast men probably have more fun. (40-49 year old male)
My gf is OK with not cumming PROVIDED I give her a good massage. In fact, often the best approach is for me to give her a good massage first. That relaxes her and gets her hot, so I proceed to finger her. Often she'll her cum before I do -- which is the best approach. But if I penetrated her before she cums, I'd probably cum first. Often it's too much work for her to cum, especially if she's recently cum or is tired, and then she's OK with not cumming. (50 - 59 year old male)
The absolute ONLY way I reach orgasm during intercourse with my partner is with a large, plug in the wall vibrator on my clit, which is very intrusive and impersonal and takes away all the excitement and passion of spontaneity. I am so completely beyond frustrated and jealous of men because they get to have an orgasm so easily every time. No wonder they always want it, and women stereotypically want it way less often. I'm not saying I never enjoy sex, but, again, I am extremely jealous. As a woman, anytime I've left a man "high and dry," so to speak, I'd never hear the end of it. Yet the man can finish and rolls over and is snoring in seconds. No matter how aware they are of my difficulty reaching orgasm or how caring they seem. It's always the same and it makes me angry. I'd like to rub a man's dick for fifteen minutes without him reaching orgasm, stop abruptly, roll over and snore the night away. Yeah let's see how that goes. (20-29 year old female)
I have never had an orgasm or come durring intercourse. It's very frustratiing for my partner, he feels like he is doing something wrong. (HE'S NOT, IT'S GREAT!) I enjoy having sex even though it doesn't happen but I wish just one time it would. (under 20 female)
I find that even when I cum, during intercourse, it's kinda unsatisfying. Not every orgasm is great. If I have to concentrate on her pleasure or if I have cum recently, it's often somewhat uncomfortable. Great sex is kindof rare, end even when it happens the satisfaction doesn't last very long.
really want her to orgasm but she isn't willing to try anything different. (60-69 year old male)
She can come only by herself, that too after a very long time. I have managed to make previous partners come very easily, but no man has ever been able to make her come. She still enjoys (and demands!) sex and occasionally takes matters into her own hands when it comes to orgasm. I have stopped obsessing about trying to give her one, and that's worked out brilliantly for both of us.
I am starting to be bothered by not reaching an orgasm because my partner thinks he's not meeting my sexual needs as a woman. Therefore I also feel the need to reach an orgasm. (20-29 year old female)
I personaly have never enjoyed sex with my partner i only get to do so when i get to musturbete myself.what could be wrong with me? (20-29 year old female)
Seems like sex is designed to favour men. I'm also irritated by the idea that women should enjoy sex without orgasm. If a woman were to stop sex just before a guy came I wonder how satisfied he'd be. My boyfriend doesn't seem concerned if I don't come as he says it's difficult to make me come, funny it only takes me a couple of minutes! (30 - 39 year old woman)
I have a fuck buddy and have been with him for years. We hook up when we both happen to be single and I've been single for a while now. It didn't used to bother me that I never reached an orgasm because when we started I was young and just figured time and patience would help bring me one. When I turned 19 I started masturbating and it was fantastic. At this point though I realized it was kind of annoying to not orgasm during sex. I asked him if he would be willing to try oral sex or something with me to get me off, he said 'sure' and then it never happened. I brought a vibrator to help him out and asked him to use it on me, so he took it and used it for about 2 minutes and then just said "can't you just do it?". It has become pretty clear to me that he doesn't give two shits about whether or not I enjoy it. I always liked being cuddly and close to him because he was such a sweetie but now when it comes to sex he just doesn't care. I'm hoping next time I'm dating someone I can find someone that's interested enough to at least TRY to get me off. For now when I'm in the mood I guess I'll just keep calling my friend up to get some intimacy into my life. (20 year old female)
ive been struggling for years with this. my husband ALWAYS comes, i NEVER do atless [unless] im drunk and i have never had a orgasim with rubbing my clit. actully i dont even use pentration when i masterbate. always thought that was odd but latley the lack of climax has been taking a toll on my relations ship he get to finish everytime and i spend 10 minutes after sex fighting back tears because im so sexually frustrated he knows this is a issue and dosent really say much other then sorry kinda heart broken i love my husband we have a beautiful 6 month old daughter our 1st and the problems just seem to get worse sence i also feel like a fat whale compared to him sence ive had her and cant seem to lose the wieght sex is now akward and i know its got to be hard to move me around sence im so big (20-29 year old female)
Sometimes it's too much work to try and come so I just lay back and enjoy it. (40-49 year old female)
I have NEVER reached orgasm with my current boyfriend, which I don't think he knows...but I still really like having sex with him. I guess it's because that I love him and he does put enough effort into foreplay which I like a lot. But it would be just great if I could reach orgasm with him, sometimes it does get frustrating as well. But I learned to enjoy sex without orgasm. Now I'm still exploring ways to orgasm, but at the same time I'm still taking the pleasure of having sex. (20-29 year old female)
I never orgasm through intercourse, only occasionally through oral sex. I can orgasm easily through masturbation. My husband is clueless! (40-49 year old female)
I'm 30 yrs old and only just started orgasming in the past few months with the help on battery opperated toys. My husband hates using them as he would prefer me to come with his help only -- which has never happened. We are trying to conceive so are having lots of sex. I feel so dissatisfied each time I don't come or he can't wait for me to come during sex, it's hard to not cry each time. He feels like he should be able to make me come himself and says it is demoralizing that I want to get the toys out. I feel guilty and that I need his permission to use them during sex. (30 - 39 year old female)
But are orgasms needed during each sexual encounter? And is it necessary to be so goal-oriented about the process? Great sex and orgasms happen when they happen. We can't always control them.
Experience should show how not forcing an orgasm can make sex better for both husband and wife. Most often the case for the woman, if her husband is gentle, loving, and she can get past the feeling of being cheated out of her orgasm, their sex lives tend to get much better. In fact if she can embrace the act of making love with her spouse and begin to fully give herself in this way the couple will not only find themselves enjoying a much deeper relationship, but she will look forward to sex more often. This should also help those ladies that have trouble reaching orgasm without outside mechanical help. I wll say however this practice works best when you take the time to be sure she is fully ready, or even close to her orgasm before penetration begins. Then the wife at least has a good chance of enjoying orgasm with you. However during the times when she does not reach orgasm you can enjoy her need for closeness and comfort. There is also something to be said for doing this deliberately while trying to conceive, but delaying her orgasm for 10-30 minutes after her husband. This time will allow the sperm more time to pool close to the cervix without being forced out, then manually keeping her on edge whi E lying close can be wonderful.
When I am physically turned on - horny - feel connected, present and in love with my partner I can reach orgasm in a heartbeat, it happens to me naturally, effortless, ecstatic. Then there are times where I enjoy the physical closeness, my heart is aroused but not my body, it would be "work" to reach orgasm, I am too lazy do get myself or being "worked" towards an orgasm by my partner, that is a downer for me, I enjoy the physical expression of love without putting myself or my partner under pressure, chasing orgasm, I am turned off when sex becomes a performance where the success is determined whether or not you had an orgasm.
In the past, when sex was with someone I didn't love, sex without orgasm was a no-go. But today, I LOVE having sex with my BF! From the kissing to intercourse and all the stuff in-between. Not sure if it's because I'm head-over-heels or because I'm 30? I just have a hard time reaching climax. A lot of the time it feels like I'm about to reach but then it goes away, even with keeping the same pace/stroke. My BF doesn't understand that, even without orgasm, I LOVE being with him. It feels so good with or without. I do wish to go more often simply to please him. I don't want him feeling like I'm not satisfied. (30 - 39 year old female)
I don't see the big deal about reaching an organism if you and your partner are both enjoying the sex?!?! (30-39 year old female)
I love being together with a partner sexually and I am not anxious about having an orgasm, when it happens, great, and if not fine too. There is so much more to sexual intimacy that I LOVE!!! I can imagine that alone the fact that female orgasm it is a topic contributes to stress and disables women... And the hormones are a factor too. Tell me about it. Some days I am so hot and want to climax, and usually get to, and other days I just don't want to go there but enjoy the intimacy and sensuality with a beloved partner. I always wonder why everything has to be black or white. Could life offer us rather than an "either or" an "as well as" reality?
My husband is VERY concerned if I "get there" or not. I have not before and explain to him that it's ok with me. I wanted the closeness, the bond and the emotional tie, not the orgasm. He doesn't understand it but it does make him feel better. Otherwise he would think he didn't do his 'job'. (20-29 year old female)
For us, sex is all about the fun, humour and how much we love each other. I've always been difficult and we just deal with that. I take what pleasure I can, and though he gets distressed that I can't get off most of the time, I'm slowly getting him 'trained' to understand that it's not a huge deal for me, that everything else is still wonderful and well and truly 'enough'. (20-29 year old female)
But other women strongly disagree that orgasms are optional.
Personally, I'm so sick of hearing that sex without orgasm is supposed to be satisfying for women. It isn't. At best, it's boring, at worst it's uncomfortable. My husband would get A LOT more sex if he would only learn how to follow gentle direction in the bedroom. Unfortunately, his ego and enthusiasm both get in the way.
Sorry ladies, but this 60 plus female thinks that is pure Bullshit. Orgasms are our birthright just as much as a man, or you would have been born without a clitoris.....the ONLY function of a clitoris is for pleasure! A vagina is for reproduction and male orgasm to take place. Just because we are too lazy to tell our man or show what works for us sexually, we fold up and get rewarded by just our "good feelings" what a crappy life to have assigned yourself to! Women need to grow a set and enjoy sex just as much as men do, and until we dump ideas like this, we will continue to be sperm repositories! Wake up women! Women are capable of being multi orgasmic with no penis in sight! If you want it you have to put a little effort into it and learn how, and then re-educate your men on how to pleasure you! Peace out!
Many men are too impatient to do what's needed to arouse and satisfy the woman. Biologically, the man's aim is to deposit the sperm. The faster the better. Men need to be trained to please the woman. This is part of the batlle between the sexes. Their interests don't entirely overlap. And it's not clear that female orgasms serve a biological purpose; on that topic, see also this.
Here are some comments illustrating impatient men, unskillful men, and men who can't last long enough.
My husband sexual part is so small. always i am suffering to get full climax during sex. please tell me what can i do. (30-39 year old female)
My husband is like a wam bam thank you mam. It never was like that, but for about the last 2=3 years he has not touched me nor did any foreplay with me. It's just stick it in, get his rocks of and then he is done he doesn't even worry about me. I am just glag it's over. Am I wrong for feeling that way? Could someone please give me some advice. (50 - 59 year old female)
My husband has premature ejaculation and doesn't understand the frustration and tension he leaves me with. I hate it. (30 - 39 year old women)
Frustrated wife, husband of 20 years cums soooo quick. I only need a man for 10 minutes and id cum - help. (40-49 year old female)
My husband cares only about his orgasm. He is a selfish lover. Men need to know that a LOT of women like intercourse and are orgasmic if they know their own bodies and their partners know their (women's) bodies. (60-69 year old female)
I have faked orgasm with my husband for 20 years. I finally told him and sex still isn't great. It is better but not great. At least he tries to last longer than 30 seconds now. Never gave me oral sex for 20 years even though I gave it to him regularly. Now he reciprocates about once a month. I can orgasm from oral sex about 50% of the time. (40-49 year old female)
Honestly I hardly reach my orgasm but when I talk to my boyfriend during sex that have not reach my point he always looked at me like a sex lover. (20-29 year old female)
My husband is fully satisfied during sex. He gets orgasm within two minutes leaving me frustrating. I have to masturbate to get orgasm. I am not happy with my husband. (40-49 year old female)
My boyfriend and I for threee years have been having intimacy but lately he ejaculates before i get to orgasm. It pisses me off to the point i don't want him to touch me. Or even be around..i hate it so much. (under 20 year old female)
Men, for the most part, have no idea how to make women cum. Sure they are sometimes hot to get dirty etc. But they get off and assume you have to....if they really knew the pulsating that a pussy makes when orgasaming, then they would realize they have failed. (40-49 year old female)
I have given up on men and intercourse. No matter what you say, show, or try to educate men about individual, female sexuality, they always conform it to suit intercourse, penis in vagina sex, seeking their own pleasure. Trust me, I have been around for g-spot and deep spot bullshit and sick and tired of men telling women how to enjoy sex. Look at the statistics, over 70% of women all ages never orgasm with intercourse, what men call SEX. And believe me, with 40 decades of experience, I have seen and heard it all from my female friends for eons. Many women suffer through, lying, faking, and trading off sexual pleasure for companionship and support. Many women on their own can climax within five minutes! No need for a twenty minute warm up, so what does that tell you? Guys, wake up, please........Listen to what WOMEN are telling you about their sexual needs, NOT what MEN are instructing you to do to them! It is so frustrating that women are turning gay or to a life of deception and a case of female blue balls! Imagine that every lady you have bedded strokes your penis for five seconds, strokes your testicles for another twenty expecting that to please you, she has an orgasm and you are sitting there gritting your teeth as she rolls over to sleep calling it a night. What would YOU do or feel? (60-69 year old female)
The pleasure for me seems to depend on the amount of her lubrication and on the amount of cum I eject. If she's very wet (maybe from added lubrication) and if thrusting and withdrawing stimulate my cock just right, I get huge and swollen and the orgasm feels hot, liquid and blissful. (30 - 39 year old male
I think Divine Source wired us so that Mother nature protects us women: the men that deeply care about our pleasure and happiness, wellbeing, get repeat business, increasing the chance of offspring. The men who are all about themselves cant protect the women and family and probably wont get the chance. Hopefully more women will stand up to men that dont care if they please anyone but themselves, and refuse to create children with a jerk. Ive had it both ways, Ill never put up with a man who doesnt care if Im satisfied. Life's short! (50-59 year old female)
Never had a guy get me there. It's frustrating to the point I let them believe they did so they won't pout, etc. (50-59 year old female
Frustrated wife, husband of 20 years cums soooo quick. I only need a man for 10 minutes and id cum - help. (40-49 year old female)
She gives me a blow job and that gets her wet. I climax in her mouth and she is fine with that. She does not climax or want me to help her climax. The blow jobs are great.
I'm involved with a younger man and he has no clue how to make a women have an orgasm. I get fustrated and give up alot in the bed. We been dating 5 months now and not one orgasm with him. One time he tried to perform oral sex and it hurt cause he sucks too hard. He is getting better at kissing and handling my breast. I don't know how to get this issue with sex fixed cause it is very important to me in an ongoing relationship. (40-49 year old female)
he dont kiss me.. and he wont let me touch him down there..and he wont put his fingers inside me..idk why he pushes me head away.. the kissing we just dont kiss.. idk ladies what to do.. (female)
It's funny how all these guys say they can't last more then a minute. My husband has no problem delaying his orgasm, he slows down or stops and rubs my clit or whatever if he gets too close but for the most part he doesn't have a problem. So ladies stop taking that sad excuse for not helping you orgasm. I showed my husband what to do, so now he knows how to rub my clit right and I always come during our love making. I love it when he teases me by not touching my clit and gets me super aroused with other stuff until my clit is screaming for stimulation then he rubs it with lots of lube, yum! (20-29 year old female
I try to train my man to take his time. If he could last long enough, I would cum from penetration and from his rubbing his penis against my clit. The soft, velvety tip feels better than a finger. But he says that's too stimulating, so we use our fingers. Once, though, we did it in the backseat of a car in a park, I came really fast. (40 - 49 year old female)
Of course, many women are quite satisfied with their sex lives, with or without direct clitoral stimulation. In fact, it's lilely what people who are satisified with their love lives were less likely to add comments.
When I was 22 I began squirting... I had no idea what I did or how I did it...I enjoyed sex but rarely did I have a clitoral orgasm. About 3 years later I began dating a guy with a very similar "anatomy" and Presto! started squirting! It felt incredible so I did some research and now I know that my "g" spot is where it's at for me! I can usually wiggle around enough to make sure I get mine several times, guess I'm still making up for all those years! (50-59 year old female)
My wife not like to touch her clitoris even in foreplay. She want direct Intercource. (30-39 year old male)
In past relationships (teens to early twenties), it was extremely rare that I climaxed during vaginal intercourse. I am in my late twenties now and in a long term relationship with a partner that I can honestly say that I love and want to be with. I have never had a problem with not having an orgasm with him. In fact, I orgasm before him nearly every time and he is a quick one. I don't know whats the difference that makes it this way, whatever it is, it's great. (female, 20-29)
I slept with 9 different men for [before] meeting my husband who happened to be a virgin and on the night he lost his virginity I actually had an orgasm and everytime after we have had sex I have orgasms on the leave [???] he is amazing. (30 - 39 year old female)
I am not having problems reaching one. i actually do it for no reason sometimes and this has been going on for years. (under 20 female)
I love being together with a partner sexually and I am not anxious about having an orgasm, when it happens, great, and if not fine too. There is so much more to sexual intimacy that I LOVE!!! I can imagine that alone the fact that female orgasm it is a topic contributes to stress and disables women... And the hormones are a factor too. Tell me about it. Some days I am so hot and want to climax, and usually get to, and other days I just don't want to go there but enjoy the intimacy and sensuality with a beloved partner. I always wonder why everything has to be black or white. Could life offer us rather than an "either or" an "as well as" reality?
I enjoy sex without coming as I take too long to come. But if I get orgasm it's bonus. My partner put his 100% efforts to get me at climax but am 29 years old now and have family and work pressure and sometimes am very tired to reach at climax. So I just enjoy whatever I get. But I love foreplay. That's more important to me.
When I finally got to those that wanted to help me achieve orgasm, I found that I couldn't even with a half-hour to an hour of foreplay. I've been masturbating longer than I've been having sex (I couldn't live without it...) and I can reach orgasm in about twenty minutes, but when it comes to being with a partner it's almost impossible, even if they're in the same room (making mutual masturbation an impossibility). It's frustrating, but I've given up on orgasm with a partner and skipped just to enjoying the sex for what it is.
Things get easier when she started to take control and I began to realized there's a sex monster inside her (and probably in every female). Her orgasms were (and are) 3-4x more intense than mine, longer, harder, and multiple. From what little I knew about her favorite penis thrusts and what she does when in control, I perfected my "giver-style". She likes hard erections, deep thrusts, medium speed (faster as it goes) and strong pubic pressure.
Males need to understand what works for one female might not do it for another. They need to ask what the female wants, I have been with the same guy for 21 yrs, and as I get older my needs change. Communication is the key. I have never had an orgasm with intercourse alone, I need clitoral and breast stimulation. I am in my 50's and masturbate and or have sex almost daily. Also my husband knows to get me off first, then my second orgasm is much easier with penetration and clitoral stimulation. If I am having a harder time, than usual we have vibrators, but I like that he never lets me go unsatisfied.
I climax if he is gentle. the penis has to be fully panetrated & make moves slowly without pulling it out! So its hard 2 have him slow all the time coz I think he likes it more powerful pumps. (20-29 year old female)
My husband is VERY concerned is I "get there" or not. I have not before and explain to him that it's ok with me. I wanted the closeness, the bond and the emotional tie, not the orgasm. He doesn't understand it but it does make him feel better. Otherwise he would think he didn't do his 'job'. (20-29 year old female)
On the other hand, perhaps a woman and her partner just need to learn how to please the clitoris. A skilled lover can more easily satisfy a woman. Indeed, many women do have satisfying sex lives, up to and including multiple orgasms and squriting ("gushing").
I'm 32 yrs old mostly straight female ( Kinsey scale and all; eyes wander but mostly attracted to males and only interested in sexual acts with cia males). Things I've noticed starting around age 26 that my libido has gradually increased as I've gotten older to the point I feel like what the media is always describing a male brain as( sex,sex,sex)has become my brain lol I told my bf wow this is what it must ve felt like when you were a teenager haha . I've definitely noticed that the cycle of my period does effect the intensity of my libido and the sensitivities of my erogenous zones making it at times very difficult to reach orgasm but still receiving pleasure, or the opposite incredibly sensitive and receiving multiple orgasms. More than not I'm a multiple orgasm girl who also squirts( more like gushes).... I was able to throw out the good girl bad girl notions and realize sex is healthy my libido sky rocketed . I think sometimes maybe all these women who have a hard time climaxing has a lot todo with preoccupations and possible the internal dialogue of a patriarchal society of what women are supposed to be and act like. Throw it all out and enjoy life and the sex that comes with it. Tips : NIPPLES !!! And all that involves them. Kissing, breathing whispering just behind the ear some what side/ back of the neck, I prefer tapping of the clit; perineum, light finger strokes like your drawing with your I her tips lightly around the body but also the inner thighs, vulva, vagina and to really give me a big O place two fingers in my vagina towards my belly bottom and move your fingers " in a come hither motion" also alternate tapping on my g spot and apply pressure on my pelvic region with the other hand you can also use your thumb to stimulate the clit. And sometimes my bf will surprise and suck my nipples all at the same time. WOW!!! AMAZING! I also love it when the bf slaps my butt and squeezes it ! All these things I enjoy and send me to the moon and luckily he enjoys it as well ! :) (30-39 year old female)
I get a real "high" from penetrative sex but never orgasm. In my sexual experience I have only had 1 partner who could make me cum effortlessly through oral sex. Others just dont hit the to speak. That guy just had the right technique! My current partner of 4 years recently said making a woman orgasm was hard work!! I have given up on expecting his help (oral or otherwise to orgasm) and self-pleasure. To be honest I wish it were different, it gets very frustrating and stressful sexually. Feels like my man has become lazy cause he knows I masturbate when he aint around and figures maybe I don't need the attention!! WRONG! When he did take the time..the orgasms were amazing and different from when I self-helped. (40-49 year old female)
And a good vibrator can help.
Get a vibrator..not a dildo. I was 43 when I had my first orgasm, and after being married 3 times! Believe me, get yourself a vibrator, and soon you will experience heaven in 5-7 minutes.
If I am having a harder time, than usual we have vibrators, but I like that he never lets me go unsatisfied.
No man ever bothered to try and give me an orgasm. The clitoris was merely a foreplay tool for guys to get me wet to the race for intercourse. After fifty years I finally gave up on sex. I got divorced after 20 years of crappy sex, bought a vibrator, I can have three climaxes within five minutes! Who needs 20 minutes??? Sorry guys, you shoot blanks for us gals these days when you should soak up credible information instead of porno movies! I think in this day and age you men are still selfish and clueless in bed.
My partner is always so worried about if I had an orgasm or not. In the 7 years we have been having sex, he has only made me orgasm once. I hate having to pretend to orgasm to make him feel like he is pleasing me in the bedroom. I do not need to have an orgasm to enjoy sex. My toys always bring me to an orgasm. I just wish he understood that I am not as sensitive as other women and though him touching me feels so good it's never going to be as fast as my vibrator. We have explored using toys during sex but he feels like they "replace him" and make him feel inadequate. The sex is still great after all this time, but I just get myself off when he's not around to keep experiencing orgasms. (20-29 year old female)
For a single woman who wishes to get mind-blowing orgasms without a partner the best suggestion and solution for them is to get a sex toy either a vibrator or dildo, or sometimes a product that serves as both dildo and vibration.
The only thing that ever brings me to orgasm is a vibrator, and usually in less than 5 minutes. I spent 4 years trying to have an orgasm from masturbation without a vibrator, and years trying to have an orgasm from sex. The only time I ever had an orgasm during sex was when a vibrator was involved. I enjoy sex because it does feel good, and I am glad I have a partner who enjoys making me feel good and does not make me feel like there's anything wrong with me for not climaxing every time. If I worried so much about this sex would become a chore. (20 - 29 year old female)
I have learned not to expect to orgasm during sex. It takes too long - an hour at least these days - and my partner just cant stay "in the moment" with me for that long. He feels left out and distanced if I try to orgasm next to him. He tries to touch my legs or my breasts and be a part of the experience with me, but really, that just distracts me and makes orgasming even more difficult. So, to spare his feeling and keep me from feeling guilty, I have orgasms when I'm alone, and have the time. This sort of works, and I still like sex with him, which we have about 4 times a week. But I am struggling with feeling very distant from him because its so easy for him, and he just assumes my strategy works for me, and we are both happy. I think one of the reasons we have sex so often is that I'm never quite satisfied. (30-39 year old female)
I have NEVER came befor durning sex but when I use my toy on my click It feels amazing. I just wish I can come for my boyfriend cause it makes him feel bad and upset with him self when I dont. (under 20 female)
I think my use of a vibrator on my own has affected my ability to come when having sex with my partner. (under 20 female who reports it's "impossible" to climax with a partner)
And is it entirely her partner's responsibility to satisfy the woman? Certainly, she shares responsibility -- by learning how her body responds, by telling her partner what works, and by taking things into her own hands, if necessary, including the use of a vibrator.
Orgasm is not something I receive - my climax - it is something I co create with my partner or myself.
If a woman has been using a vibrator longer than she has been with her partner, then he's fighting an uphill battle. Sorry, our 'man tool" just doesn't come with vibration speeds like that.
I am a sex addict. I lost my virginity to a guy who was always hot in bed. Always knew what to do and we would last hours having sex. He was that good he could cum up to ten times in one night! It made me feel like a woman and i was obsessed with him. I believe mostly because of the amazing sex. I would have multiple orgasms in seconds. I loved every thing about our sexual life. I am now married to someone else amd sadly it is the most lame awkward weird feeling sex ever. I often close my eyes and pretend its someone else . I am always frustrated with my marriage and sexual life. I have gotten to even hate the thought of sex. It weirds me out really bad. I think i love him but i dont wnjoy sex with him:(. In 31 years i never knew how to do natural masturbation since I could never understand my clitoris. But today i finally understood my body! I hope this helps my current frustrating situation. (30-39 year old female)
My husband and I have been married for 53 years. At the beginning of our marriage I didn't even know what a climax was because sex was over so quickly and he had no idea he should have to do anything to help me. I wasn't sure what a climax even was so I thought just the good feelings I had must be what a climax was. I studied the subject and discovered that I had no idea what a climax was and deceided I needed help. I realized that my husband needed to start helping me. Up until that point our sex life was him receiving his release and me being the one to make sure that happened. When my husband came to the point of knowing he was being selfish and knowing that I told him I had not had a climax. He started helping me with lots of forplay and even oral sex and I started having climax's. They did not come easily and would often take up to 20 minutes or more but I would climax. It takes a lot of work on the part of the man to bring a women to climax and if he loves her he will do that because he knows she will be so much happier and they will be closer in their relationship. It's sad to me, that women don't understand their bodies and in my time we were not educated on how our bodies work. Men often start masterbating at an early age so they know how their bodies worked. I was things we didn't talk about. Women believed that it was dirty to touch themselves etc. Because of that we have thought there is something wrong with us because we don't have a climax or it takes us so long. How sad. We should not believe that there is something wrong with us we are just different than men and we have to learn how to have a climax and there is nothing wrong with that because when we learn it we are more fulfilled and happier with life, ourselves and in our relationships. It has been a journey for meand the reality is that our bodies change through the years and we have to adjust to the changes. I am 73 years old and my husband is 75. We still have sex, at least once a week. I think the reason is that we have cared for our bodies. We are the same weight we were when we married. We have stayed married and love each other very much. At the age of 75 my husband tells me he likes sex better than he did when we were young because he loves me more. As for me, I still enjoy sex - especially the closeness it brings to us and I know it is important to keep enjoy making love throughout your lives. For my personal sex life, at the age of 73, I can still have climaxes but I don't have a lot of feelings. We have given up my husband trying to bring me to climax. We start by foreplay and my husband reaching his climax and then I use my vibrator. He caresses and kisses me to help me come to climax or if he is just too tired. He falls into a enjoyable sleep and I lay beside him until my climax comes and then we embrase and fall asleep together. Times of the days make a differnce. At this age, morning or afternoon is often the best time for making love. My point in writting this, is mostly for the women. For so many years I thought something was wrong with me because the movies made it seem like women were just like men. Filled with passion and automatically climatic but that's not true. Climaxes are difficult to reach for most women - so you are normanl if that's true for you, but inspite of that it is worth the effort to figure out how your body works and find a way to reach a climax. Either with help from your husband or from a vibrator. Whatever you have to do for yourself is ok and if you figure it out you will be so much more content and happier and so will your husband. I believe God is the one who gave us sex and that it was given to bring greater closeness and happiness to married people and there is nothing wrong or dirty about it when it is enjoyed, as God intended it. (70+ female)
Perhaps the point is: great sex isn't natural. For most people it requires training and practise. Some couples seem eminently compatible sexually. Additionally, biological limitations need to be respected.
Maybe it's like spiritual enlightenment. We're all capable of it, they say. But we need to work at it. It doesn't always come naturally. Same with great sex. It takes work.